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This page belongs to Lizzy. Will be colored shortly. Page 5 is also in the works!





She’s beautiful and sweet 💕

Finn Dixon

Boobies! And lady-butt! Oh my!


Sigma should draw more females...

Bobby Mills

Love your work

antonio kontos

Man l like hiw she looks already lol

Diego P

She's cute!


She’s so sweet, now I would feel bad to see them break up ^^’

Ivan Zugasti

Cute girl walking around naked making tea. So hot I love it


Jeez, he really is spoilt for choice isn't he

phil norman

No wonder He's conflicted….


Lizzy looks incredible! So beautiful and super sexy

Mr. J

I know you mostly focus on gay themed artwork, but considering how sexy Lizzy is I wouldn't mind paying a bit more to see a little hetro action.


Lizzy is super hot! I’m looking into the crystal ball 🔮 and I’m seeing……a threesome between Mike, Diamond, and Lizzy! Could this be on the horizon? I sure hope so!


Mikey's so cute. All this Lizzy love is great, but I ❤️ Mike most.

The Unaccomplished Writer

He’s working through a lot and I appreciate his uncertainty. I hope it all ends well for him, Lizzy, and Diamond. Even if he ends up with one or the other, not both, they’d be in good terms.


Lizzy is so pretty! You should draw grills more often, you really have a good hand at it. I hope we will se a bit of a m/f action. Even if only for one page!

Colby R.

I want Diamond, Lizzy, and Mikey to all get in the sexiest and most loving poly trouple!

Andrew McCanna

What does Mikey do for a living? Also, is she holding a vibrator?


Have never specified, but I imagine he does something in engineering or architecture And no, she is holding a cell phone