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Just imagine this folded right down the center and you'll have a vague idea of what the print edition of Heavy Lifting will eventually look like. Plus some text and barcodes and stuff.

Also Kip looks way more cool and composed here that he ends up in the comic lol.





Looks amazing!

Ivan Zugasti

More Kip please. And ill take an issue right now? Just put me on the pre-order for each issue you make


I’m sure that Kip always looks more composed when he’s prepared to cut a bitch for cockblocking, so.. :)

phil norman

The woodlands coat-hanger got even cuter. Didn't think that was a possibility.


You probably have "Bifurcation" all planned out but... ...any chance Kip could help Mikey out on his role of self-discovery? :D


Woof 😍

Fuzzy Wilson

Is it sad I currently have a body goal of Toby? Like damn he’s hot.