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We're nearing the end of April, which means rewards and content will be coming your way soon! Big thanks to everyone for helping to support my pornful endeavors this month. As a bonus, I'll be adding this saucy little commission to the rewards pack. I made it back in 2015 but didn't end up posting it online.

In other news, it looks like the comic milestone might finally be secure! The pledge count has been flirting with it for months now, but so far it has always fallen back. This time I'm more optimistic. I'll save my victory dance for May 1st when we'll know for sure, but yay nonetheless.

Finally, a reminder to patrons who may desire the content from previous months. There is a way to get it! Find out how:https://www.patreon.com/posts/for-new-patrons-3952983




Sangie Nativus

I joined in the last few days. When do I get my first pack.


Thanks for joining! Rewards are delivered at the start of each month right after pledges are processed. The next rewards pack will be delivered on the 1st or 2nd of June.