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What's this? A female?! Yes, at the request of the trophy buck patron of the month. To be colored!





What is this witchcraft? what did you do with sig!?


Wooo! This doe likes!

Fen Longpaw

I for one am not opposed to this occurrence. I know it's by far not the only perspective, especially considering who your core demographic likely is given your usual content, but I actually like a variety of body types, and that includes a variety of gender representation. I say, good on ya for sharing with us!




I definitely wouldn’t mind more girls 😆

Fen Longpaw

I will however say that the comments I'm seeing so far though are highly encouraging if you wanted to dip your hoof into visiting this kind of content a bit more if so inclined.


So hot Sig, I love it. I love all your work tbh

Ivan Zugasti

Oh my gosh yesssss! So cute she needs a good stuffing


Mhhh why not but bambi more too xd


What is fe-male? What is this witchcraft?


Those tiddies and pussy look really well done. I wonder if you've ever considered doing trans characters? Transmasc characters like your usual dudes but with pussy or transfem characters with your classic dick but with tiddy...

Finn Dixon

My eyes!!! Lol.

Finn Dixon

Teasing of course. Just had to comment. ;-) it's damn good, just not going to launch my rocket.

Omi and Lucas

Woo! It is nice to see a girl now and then :3


More whamen? Yes! Always love to see females from you, and the fact that she doesnt have any wig-like hairstyle makes it all the more better. Have you considered maybe doing some female feline?


Speaking of which it would be nice to see a pretty doe every now and then.

Xanni The Blue

hark! the chance of seeing myself drawn by you isn't impossible! X}


This is quite a pleasant surprise SigmaX!


And I thought your boys were nicely drawn, that’s a foxy Faline right there

antonio kontos

Yus my plan has come to fruition.

antonio kontos

I made it a long goal to get him to draw faline lol and so I took this chance when I did get it


its exciting to finally see faline, the sigmax bambi universe expands. great work as always!


Wow! Finally!

antonio kontos

I wanted Faline to show up since the last time was 2011 his style changed and all the others got drawn in it but her


Big question as someone who hasn't seen the Bambi movies yet, but who is she spreading for (besides the viewer)? What part does she have in your Bambi AU?




in the movies, she's bambi's mate, but ronno also pursues her. I haven't really incorporated her into my bambi stuff tho, this is just a one-off request