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Smile! Will be inking and coloring this in the coming days.





hah, nice facial


I cant wait!!!i love this comic!!


Oh jeez, he's going to send that to his gf, isn't he. >:(


so worth the wait for this page!


still would love an image of mikey topping teej <3

Zenith Star

Ohhhhh exploitable

Ryley Fox (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-07 05:33:51 Oh man that upper right panel... <3
2018-09-15 23:15:52 Oh man that upper right panel... <3

Oh man that upper right panel... <3


He could be taken picture to show to group mikey is with as proof. But is that picture enough or would they like to see mikey in action? If he does send it to mikey girl friend, would it to get her to leave him? To destory what they have to together. If that is the case then was the plan all the alone or is there another reason besides getting them together with each other. Did diamond want it to happen. To be set up with mikey?