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This is to notify everyone of what is going on here. First and foremost, I am safe. However, my apartment flooded during the storm and power has not yet been restored. I'm staying with a friend now (which is how I have internet to post this), but it may be some time before I'm able to work normally again. Depending on the speed of recovery, I may be forced to suspend Patreon for this month. Hopefully that will not be necessary, but the option is on the table. I'll update again when there is something else to report.




Just glad to hear you're safe. :)


glad to hear you're safe too. take the time you need

Lion Panthera

I would be very happy for you to leave it un-suspended even if you don't make any artwork, if it would help you get back up and running.


Take care of yourself out there - and best of luck to you.


glad to hear you are safe


Good that you are ok. I hope that your life returns to normalcy soon and don't worry about us. I'm sure I speak for most of us when I say we're happy to support you even if you can't do much for now. :-)

Mithos Foxmagik

What's most important is that you're safe. I hope the recovery is quick for you and everyone else.

Diego P

Do not suspend patreon you may need the cash, stay safe


Good to hear, not so much about you apartment. Hope everything works out. Lots of love from Norway!


Hope you recover fully.


So glad you're safe. Irma can't keep you down.


So glad you're safe. Irma can't keep you down.


So glad you're safe. Irma can't keep you down.


Best wishes my dude


glad you are safe


Take your time. I for one am okay supporting you on a month of dire need without worrying about getting art from you.

Husky Friend

I for some reason. Thought you lived in Europe....I have no idea why....sorry to hear about the apartment. Glad you're well.


Is there any way we might be able to help you directly?


That really sucks. I am glad you are in a safe location, do you need help? I hope you hads ome insurance


Dude I hope you didn't lose all your stuff. That would blow.


Glad you are safe, More than happy to keep supporting you even if you can't do much right now, don't suspend :)