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I'm going ahead and moving the Patreon towards Watermark-less rewards for all tiers! My following is decently big enough I'm not worried about theft or recognition anymore.

Public Twitter releases would still be watermarked anyway.

Furthermore, I'm thinking about sweetening the deal for $6 and $9 patronage. 🥰

I can use Optical Flow to render my animations at 60 FPS. I tried it on the pool animation and it looks UNREAL!! I'm thinking that Lucid Dreamer ($6) and Awoken ($9) will get 60 FPS versions as another bonus.

My new plan is for 60 FPS + Watermark-less to take effect on June 1st.

I will also be re-exporting the pool animation so it isn't at such a compressed format. It has been like that due to a mistake in my editing workflow, and it's just been a pain to go back and do it while I'm busy with other stuff.

In the more distant future, I also potentially can make the water look higher quality and maybe even add caustics some time. Caustics would take it over the top!!


Azure Limina

And yes, I would go back and do 60 FPS for past animations.

Ven Lake

Terrific news on the 60 fps and watermark striping. So part 1&2 will have a 60 fps version on June, and then the Pool remaster will be later on?

Azure Limina

The pool remaster will be the same time (it's actually already done). But if I were to re-render the pool animation to improve the water quality as I mentioned, that would be at a later date. Let me edit to clarify.