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Start of week: 23,000

End of week: 29,999

Change: +6,999

Year to date: 49,399

I found the writing more difficult this week, in part due to real-world concerns but also because the scene was tricky to get right and took a few tries.  It's not quite there yet but I'm feeling pretty good about it.  (I'm sure I'll change my mind about it later!)  With the clubbing scene done, I'm back to the "funeral" frame and setting up the next "story" by David, which takes the previously written material concerning his first day back at work and his life as a secretary.

With the chapter currently being a single word short of 30k, I've decided to trim back the original plan a bit.  I was going to include a "story of the boyfriend" - covering a two or three week span with Cindy in a relationship - but I've cut that as it's getting a bit long.  If this is the halfway point, then that makes for a 60k word chapter which is, as with the Interlude, probably a bit much.

Remaining to write are those initial weeks at work and getting to know the girls; an encounter with his boss, Michael, during the Halloween party; and returning to Julia's story and how the relationship between her and David fell apart.  Then a final story giving the whole thing a bit of a twist. I reckon we're  a little over halfway through the chapter.  I'll have to make the hard choice as to whether any further cuts are needed - it might be that those first days or week back at work end up on the editing floor.

I'm also thinking of publishing the first half of the chapter to FM in a week or so, after it's had a bit of time to settle.  I'll publish it here first, of course.  But I'd like to up my output to about one piece a month or so, just something to keep my name out there and maybe help the Patreon to grow a bit.  At some point I suppose I'll have to consider redesigning the page and rework the subsciption levels.  Any suggestions for that are welcome!

Finally, I'm considering whether to take a short break from Constant or not.  I'm in the middle of it, so feel driven to keep going; but I also want to try my hand at a shorter piece--I've got a bunch of ideas bouncing around my head I'd like to develop. If I don't keep at Constant it'll never get done, but I also don't want to exhaust myself with it.  A shorter piece would also give me something to publish, but if I'm putting the first half of chapter six out there,  should really get the back half finished....

Have a great weekend!




I for one would prefer to see the “boyfriend” story, as it would seem to be an abrupt transition from first day back to clubbing (depending on how first day back is handled), also I think readers would be interested in how the relationship with Dan progressed given the considerable amount of time spent on that relationship in prior chapters.

Fakeminsk TG Fiction: Constant in All Other Things

A valid concern - without wanting to give anything way, Dan will make his return in the next story of the chapter; he'll be there waiting for Cindy's return. But I'd had plans for developing a longer-term relationship (within the context of the three months covered by Chapter 6) but it may not make the final cut. I'm just mindful of the length and don't want to risk boring the readers!


Thank you for these regular 'word counts' although they have evolved into more than just posting numbers. A quick bit of math on todays numbers shows you averaging around 700 a day so far this year so you're smashing that 500 per day goal even with time off during the Christmas/Newyears break. But also the insights into your writing progress have been great to read. You have really managed to grow as a writer while Constant grows as a project. I agree that a regular posting on FM and elsewhere is an excellent way to grow the Patreon. Every posted story or chapter is a nice lure to catch a few more fan fish. Looking forward to the short stories as well. ( Should you ever achieve your hard to hit target of a single stand alone story.) I'm proud of you.

Fakeminsk TG Fiction: Constant in All Other Things

Thank you; very kind words indeed! I'm pleased with how things are progressing. I don't normally get to write over the weekends (probably a good thing - gives the brain a chance to rest) so writing's been averaging 1000/day or so recently, which feels good. There' s a real sense of progress, week to week, that I'm enjoying; it must be so satisfying to complete 2000/day and see that 10k/week forward march. In any case, I noticed that the word count for the year is about 15k shy of 2023's, and it's only March. I'm not sure what accounts for the pickup in pacing, or whether I'll be able to maintain it, but I'm pretty chuffed to be surpassing last year's writing as early as April--though in fairness, last year's writing didn't really begin until late May, due to the issues that led to me pausing the Patreon and stop writing for several months. I suppose my main concern would be that, if I'm writing faster, that the quality isn't suffering. I don't think it is, but it's always hard to tell from the inside. Obviously, quality is a relative thing here - I'm basically writing smut, and I'm no Margaret Atwood (to pick a random example) but my goal is still to try and writing something a least somewhat qualitatively different from the bulk of stuff on FM. Which isn't to denigrate others' work--it's all got it's place and audience, and most of that stuff's a lot more successfull than mine - but I'm going to keep trying to develop my own brand of semi-literary erotica. Hopefully, people (continue to) enjoy it!