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Oops!  What is wrong with me?  Work and lack of sleep must be getting to me.  Suddenly thought it was Friday and typed this up a day early.  Guess I'll leave this here and just update it tomorrow with the additional day's word count (an additional 1,324 words, possibly with more to come later in the day.)

Start of week: 19,317

End of week: 24,238

Change: +4,921

Most of it was on Constant, though some of that word count went into polishing up Chapter 2 of Silk and Shadow for publication.  Going forward, I'll just report the word count on Constant, since that'll be the focus of my writing through February.

It's been a strong start to the chapter.  The word count doesn't include a couple thousand words of planning trimmed away and pasted into my OneNote document.  For this chapter to work, I've meticulously planned out the three month arc of Cindy's life until her return to the Clinic for a check-up on the prosthetic.  I'm still not 100% sure the approach I'm taking is going to work out, but it's fun little experiment.

My hope is to polish off one vignette a week - that is, one of the four perspectives on the three month period that leads up to the funeral.  Each one ought to be about 5,000 words although knowing my writing tendencies, I'm guessing that won't quite hold up.

I've started with Julia's story, but I suspect it might get pushed back a bit, since it makes more narrative fun (and makes more sense for David as a storyteller) to hold back the part of the story Julia would most want to hear.  The other three should be fun: one, involving the boss, Michael, and an office Halloween party; another, about the girls in the office and some nights out with them; three, about a potential boyfriend; and then Julia's story.  That's the plan, at least - we'll see if I stick to it over the course of the chapter.

(There's a fifth story in there as well, but that's a surprise.)

Looking forward to posting the next Sneak Peek!

Have a great weekend,



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