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Inspired by a recent comment, I thought it might be fun to experiment with a little AI art, in this case Stable Diffusion.  I've got very little experience with this stuff, so literally just fed it some lines from the Interlude - the moment when David sees himself in the mirror in Dan's bathroom.  It refused to show him stepping into the dress; I imagine it's got some censorship limitations and didn't want to generate a half-naked character.  

The prompt, tweaked from the oriiginal, was: "I saw myself, long blonde hair and carefully stepping into that tight little black dress . I was in a masculine, trendy dark bathroom.  I wore panties and bra, stilletos and dark stockings, suspenders and a waist-cincher.  All those straps, bows and lace held me tight, and the pale band of my exposed tummy contrasted with the midnight black and crimson fabrics."

I picked "digital art" for the style.

Not at all how I visualise either Cindy or that scene, specifically, but still kind of fun.

Obviously, just as with AI Text, there are some issues with AI Art, but at the same time it's great that something like this can be democratised - as in, I struggle with sketching stick people, and I'd be curious to see how accurate and specific I could make something like this come out.

What do you think?




Yeah doesn't quite capture my imagining of Cindy either, but it does do well at capturing his mood. Certainly some teething issues with AI art, but the possibilities of where it can go are simply staggering.


I love the attempt. The idea of bringing Cindy to life visually, if only once, only adds another dimension to your beautiful writing. I'll re-read the same scene and have a go myself.