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A little late with the update - a nasty cold crept in last week, blossomed during the week and laid me low over the weekend.  Still feeling rough - getting through the working day (on a steady stream of Advil) was hard enough, with limited energy left over for writing.

Previous word count: 67,070

Current word count: 68,077

Change: +1007

Although word count doesn't mean much at this point - it should be going down rather than up, really, as I edit the Interlude before posting it.

Parts 1/3 and 3/3 have had their first run through, and I think I can consider them pretty much done and dusted - if I can bring myself to stop tinkering with them, of course.  Part 2/3 is taking a bit longer.  Re-reading, I found the conversation between Katherine, Jonathon and Crystal to simply be too long.  It's all relevant stuff, I think, but at over 7k words made for a very long scene for the reader.  I'd known this for awhile, but kept putting off doing anything about it.

So I've started moving things around to break it up a bit, and am working on inserting a pair of short scenes.  One focuses on Steele - when Jonathon and Crystal confront Katherine as to the need to continue with the disguise, she responds angrily that they don't know their enemy, not as she does.  This seems a natural place for a break - either to a) show the initial encounter between David and Steele, or b) give Katherine a flashback.  Right now I'm writing out the first option - we'll see how it turns out.

Also considering adding in a short scene a little earlier that focuses on David's experience at the photoshoot.

I'm reluctant to post 1/3 until the whole thing is wrapped up, just in case I change something that impacts the first part of the story.  Hopefully by the end of the week - if this damned cold would just go away!



Best secular, non prayer related wishes for your speedy recovery. Fully agree that you should hold off on publishing 1/3 until you know he whole thing flows as a single unit. RE breaking up the convo between the clinic trio in 2/3 perhaps you can shift some of the overflow into the preceding and/or following parts? although i can see how that would be a royal pain in the arse needing a major rewrite, so maybe not :) or maybe break 2/3 into a further pair making it a 4 part interlude, although that also will bring further arse aches for you. Yeah I see why it's doing your head in now... Well good luck, I know you'll land the plane eventually. I for one won't rush you, since you have been keeping us updated regularly, not to mention giving us drafts as and when you can, the waiting is a lot more bearable.

Fakeminsk TG Fiction: Constant in All Other Things

Thanks - it's a vile cold and pure misery - a week in, I'm getting thoroughly tired of it. Hopefully it'll clear soon. Definitely impacting my output this week (both in the day job and in writing). Very frustrating. At the moment, I'm looking at three main breaks in the conversation: 1) jumping to the photoshoot; 2) some revelations about Steele; 3) the date with Chad. The first two need writing up. It's a bit frustrating as, mentally, I was in the "this is just about ready to publish" space - but it's a good learning experience, and one of the reasons I'm doing this. And with each pass, I pick up on another typo or two, making a few tweaks along the way. I thought about breaking it into 4 - it's long enough to justify it! and the date-night story with Dan is pretty much long enough to be a part on its own - but I quite like the breaks where they are. Finishing 1/3 with the revelation of Fosters and picking up 2/3 in the same space works better than if it was a single scene, I think. (Though it would work fine as such - after all, it was all meant to be a single chapter originally). And finishing 2/3 on Fosters resonates nicely with that first part - it's a subtle (?) way of bringing the character back into the narrative, as he's going to the play an important role in (a) future chapter(s).