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Start of week: 59,702

End of week: 65,248

Word count: +5546

A good week for writing.  Polished off the tricky scene between David and the other three; and wrote up the encounter between David and Chad.  Hoping to squeeze in a little more writing tonight--which might even bring the Interlud to an end. 

Also the week that brought the chapter past 60K words--by far, the longest chapter in the series. Probably too long, to be honest - like, Harry Potter and the Philospher's Stone (to pick a random but well-known example) is apparently only 77K words in length, and that's a full novel that launched one of the most successful franchises in contemporary literature!

I think the next thing I try my hand at, I'll have to be a bit more... disciplined? or controlled, in what I write.


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