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Start of week: 43, 075

End of week: 47, 849

Change: +4774

The work started strongly but stalled on Thursday; a minor emergency and visit to hospital meant no writing that day.   Everything's okay, but it did stall that early momentum.  Still managed to nearly doubly my 500 words/day target, though, so feeling happy with the progress, though also a little frustrated--I want to get this chapter done!  

Finished and edited the Chad and Cindy scene at the pub this week, and fiddled with a few other bits here and there.  

All that's left for the second part of the Interlude is to finish off and clean up the long scene between Jonathon, Crystal and Katherine.  It's pretty much finished except for exploring and tying up a few plot points.  I reckon I'll get it done next week.  

Then it's a matter of writing up the (much shorter) third part: revealing to David his life as Cindy isn't ending any time soon; his reaction to this; hopefully a twist or two; and sending him packing into chapter 6.


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