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Absolutely dreadful week for writing!  Started to feel poorly on Saturday, rough through Sunday and by Monday, terrible.  Missed a day of work and finally tested: our old friend Covid had decided to pay a vist to the household once again.  Though nowhere as bad as previous visits, it's still been an exhausting and dispiriting reunion.  Tried sitting and writing a few times, but left with the attention span of an amnesiatic goldfish, I just couldn't get anything of substance down on the page.  It's been rough enough getting into work and back, and sadly not much leftover for creativity.

On a more positive note, I can feel the gradual lessening of the flu's grip.  I'm still sat here in a miasma of my own sickly sweat, but nevertheless feel a lot better than yesterday, or the day before that, etc.  I've got some faint hope of maybe even catching up on some of that missed writing over the weekend.

Had it been an easy scene to write, I might have struggled through, but I've also hit a bit of an impass.  I'm disatisfied with how the scene between David and Scooter is playing out--it needs some serious rewriting--and not generally pleased with my handling of the 3rd person limited PoV.  So I'll be tackling that as well when I get back to the keyboard.  Hopefully I'll have that scene ready for sharing next week, along with some of the AI-assisted stuff.

26/06/2023: 14798-->14905, +107

27/06/2023: 14905-->14905, +0

28/06/2023: 14905-->14905, +0

29/06/2023: 14906-->15023, +117

30/06/2023: 15023-->15023, +0 (but the day's not done yet...)



Take it steady


Best wishes and hope the recovery isn't slow. Take your time with the passages. I think it's pretty obvious your audience here isn't expecting rapid output. Quality over quantity and quickness please.