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So, one of the intriguing new functions with the Ai tools at hand is the ability to do a little "brainstorming."  While I don't find the idea-generating part of writing particularly difficult--ideas are easy, writing is hard--I can imagine this being really useful for some.  It's also a fun way to see how an initial seed might grow into something unexpected.

Basically, it works by dumping every and any idea you've got into the box, and hitting "generate" - this is further influenced by some short info on "genre" and "style" - although it's a bit hazy what these extra data points actually do.

For example, here's one I did yesterday for fun:


Shy, retiring male main character.  White, working-class, early twenties.  He's a student at university, studying history and English literature.

Story set in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Story involves the main character crossdressing.  

The crossdressing is forced.  He doesn't want to do it but has to.

Over time he gets very good at it.  Very convincing.  He is a quick learned of the art of femininity.

When dressed as a woman, he's brought out of his confortt zone.  He goes clubbing, is invited to house parties, and is taken out on dates to fancy restaurants.  He is made to feel sexy and alluring, whereas as a male he often feels invisible.

He gets caught cheating on an essay he submits.  If this is exposed, he'll lose his scholarship.

The teaching assistant who caught him plagiarising is the one forcing him to dress as a girl.  She threatens to expose him if he doesn't.  She brings him along, step by step, further into femininity.

Her motivation in this is unclear, except that she seems to hate men in general and the protagonist is an easy target for revenge.

Over several encounters, the protagonist becomes more confident, more sure in himself, both as a man and in female disguise.  As the antagonist pushes him further, he eventually finds the courage to confront her.

She reveals all her hatred and bitterness towards men and where it comes from.

She gives him a final task to do, after which she'll release him.  He has to attend the Halloween party on campus run by young tech-billionaire Edward Stone.  An alumni of the university, he throws a massive party every year.

The antagonist wants the protagonist to attend in a female costume as a french maid.  Her plan is to get him with Edward, and for Edward to take advantage of the disguised male.  Edward is secretly gay, with a think for effeminate men.  He doesn't know that the protagonist is unwilling.


To this I added Genre (ransgender fiction.  Drama.  Suspense. Literotica.  Gritty.) and Style (Show don't tell.  Some dialogue.  Very descriptive.  Third person limited, from the protagonist point of view.  Literotica.)

This was an idea I had floating around in my head some time ago - I deliberately kept the details sparse to see what the AI did with it; the idea in my head is far more developed though realistically, I doubt I'll ever get around to writing it.

So what did the AI come up with as a story synopsis?  See below:


In the heart of Ottawa, a shy and unassuming young man named Alex lives an ordinary life as a white, working-class student at the local university. He spends most of his time studying history and English literature, rarely venturing out of his comfort zone. However, everything changes when he is forced into crossdressing, a path he never imagined he would take.

Alex's crossdressing is not by choice, but rather by the coercion of his teaching assistant, a woman who caught him plagiarizing an essay. Threatening to expose him and ruin his scholarship, she pushes him further into femininity with each encounter. Although he is initially hesitant, Alex becomes surprisingly adept at it, quickly learning the art of femininity. When dressed as a woman, he feels more confident and alluring than he ever did as a man.

As he becomes more comfortable in his disguise, Alex is taken out to clubs, fancy restaurants, and house parties. His newfound confidence makes him feel sexy and desirable, something he never felt as a man. However, this newfound freedom comes with a heavy price. If he doesn't comply with his antagonist's demands, his secret will be exposed, and his life will be ruined forever.

Despite the danger of being caught, Alex continues to push himself further into femininity. Over time, he discovers a newfound courage within himself that he never knew existed. As he confronts his antagonist, she reveals her hatred for men and why she has targeted Alex specifically. Although her motivations are unclear, it's evident that she has a deep-seated resentment towards men.

As their encounters progress, Alex's confidence grows, and he eventually finds the courage to confront his antagonist. She gives him one final task before releasing him from her grasp: to attend the annual Halloween party on campus run by tech-billionaire Edward Stone. The antagonist wants Alex to attend as a French maid and seduce Edward, who is secretly gay and has a thing for effeminate men. However, Alex is unwilling to go through with her plan.

At the Halloween party, everything comes to a head as Alex confronts his antagonist and exposes her true motivations. As the two engage in a heated argument, Edward approaches them, mistaking Alex for a woman. Although he is initially attracted to Alex, he soon realizes that something is off. In a moment of clarity, Edward sees through Alex's disguise and recognizes him for who he truly is.

In the end, Alex's secret remains safe, but not before he discovers a newfound sense of confidence and self-assurance. Although his experiences in crossdressing were forced upon him, they ultimately taught him an essential lesson about himself.


From this, I can get the AI to generate characters - notice I deliberatly kept character detail thin.  It took a few passes, and I pushed the AI a few times of specifics, but here's it's list of characters:

Alex Thompson/Alexandra Smith: A shy and introverted student at the local university, Alex struggles to find their place in the world. They are haunted by past experiences of bullying and rejection, leading to their shyness and lack of confidence. Through their journey in crossdressing, they discover a newfound sense of self-acceptance and courage, ultimately embracing their true identity as both Alex and Alexandra.

Cassandra Blackwood: A manipulative and cunning teaching assistant, Cassandra has a complex history of trauma and experiences of misogyny that have fueled her resentment towards men. She uses her power and intelligence to control those around her, but is ultimately driven by a desire to protect herself from further harm. She creates Alexandra on the school database, with her own university timetable.

Edward Stone: A powerful tech-billionaire and influential figure in the university's social scene, Edward is secretly gay and drawn to effeminate men. He is enigmatic and charismatic, with a keen ability to see through people's facades. Although he seems to have it all, Edward struggles with maintaining an authentic connection in his relationships.

Sophie Wilson: A kind-hearted and supportive friend of Alex, Sophie is the epitome of empathy. Despite facing her own setbacks in life, she remains a loyal confidant and offers an unwavering support system for Alex in their time of need. She is actively involved in various campus organizations and social events, using her platform to advocate for marginalized communities.

Liam O'Connor: A fellow student at the university, Liam is outgoing, adventurous, and carefree. He is unapologetically himself and encourages those around him to embrace their true selves. He unknowingly influences Alex's journey by demonstrating the power of self-acceptance. Liam is a prominent figure in the university's LGBTQ+ community, organizing events and creating safe spaces for queer individuals.

Natalie Reyes: A mysterious woman whom Alex encounters during their journey, Natalie appears to have a hidden agenda. She is enigmatic, alluring, and seemingly always one step ahead. Her presence in the story brings an element of intrigue, forcing Alex to question their own perceptions. Natalie is a socialite and influencer in the university's elite circles, using her charm and wit to manipulate those around her.

Mark Johnson: A popular student at the university, Mark exudes confidence and charisma. Despite his outward bravado, Mark is haunted by past experiences of rejection and a lack of validation from his parents. He uses his connections to the campus community to feel a sense of belonging, but deep down, he feels lost. When he meets Alexandra, he is drawn to her captivating personality and fashion sense, but as he learns more about her true identity as Alex, he begins to question his own perceptions of masculinity and gender roles.


Interesting?  Maybe.  At this point, the story is about... 50/50?  My braindump, its synopsis; its characters, my refinement.

Tomorrow I'll show the chapter outline, if people are interested!



It's all rather sophisticated for what they keep insisting is merely autocomplete on steroids.