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Howdy all, hope this update finds you all well.  Weather is beautiful where I am, and what a difference it makes.  

Going forward, I'm going to endeavour to give regular updates on how the writing is progressing--still keeping the chapter in its entirety for once the first draft is completed, but giving something tangible: a word count update.  I've started this as much for my sticking to my own targets as to indicate actual progress to patreon supporters.

25/05/2023 2500 2650 +150

26/05/2023 2650 3177 +527

29/05/2023 3177 3983 +806

30/05/2023 3983 4536 +553

31/05/2023 4536 4772 +236

01/06/2023 4772 5354 +582

So, currently at 5300 words and growing, and generally sticking to the 500/day target, with a singuar blip.  That first day was a painful return, fingers stiff and brain rigid, but the words are gradually coming more easily with each day.  Long may it last!



Looks like you have some momentum building. Full working week with some writing on, you're doing great. With a word count documented here regularly you can almost gamify your progress aiming to beat your weekly 'high score' Keep it up and may the fingers learn their place.