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So, the word count for Chapter 5 continues to trundle along, and reached 4k today.  I abandoned by original plan to revise chapter 4 - it was at risk of becoming way too long - but what I wrote was salvagable as a starting for chapter 5.  It's tricky to find writing time during a weekday - I'm lucky if I carve out 30 minutes for myself - but even at that pace the chapter is growing nicely.  There's some fun stuff going on between Cindy and Julia that I hope readers will enjoy.

Though I wonder - do readers prefer chapters to be short and frequent, or longer and more developed, but dropping only every couple of months or so?  



I personally like short and frequent, but you should go by what fits your schedule & can make the best product to be honest. Then each occasional story can be like a long read to savour. :)

Fakeminsk TG Fiction: Constant in All Other Things

Out of curiosity, what would you consider "short"? Chapter 5 is now at 5k; I expect it'll hit about 10-12,000 words before it's done, though these things seem to expand a bit as I'm writing them.


Hmm. Good question actually! Probably up to low few thousand words I reckon, but honestly it should depend on what you can do regularly for a quality product, sustainably & considering a busy schedule tbh