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End of week: 40,558

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The hardest week in a long time. I knew the full flow of a few weeks ago couldn't last, but slamming up against writer's block still sucks. The end of the last week, and the start of this one, made for brutally difficult writing. It felt like I had no idea what I was doing, and when I looked at the words on the page, they felt dead and stupid, a confused jumble going nowhere. It was a real struggle to reach my 500 minimm.

Fortunately, this seemed to lift on Wednesday where a moment of inspiration led to a sudden rush of words and caught me up for the week.

Real life/work is part of the problem, with last month's lull gone. I also struggled with the transition to the next part of the story, as well as a particuarly tricky passage in which I was grasping towards some kind of profound realisation on David's part. At the moment, it's a bit crap and wordy, but I'm hoping to clean it up in revision.

Mostly, I don't think I knew what I was doing. It's a humbling thing to admit, but I was somewhat lost at sea. At times, the road ahead is clear and distinct and writing a scene flows easily because it feels as though it's already been written inside of me. Sometimes--like this week--I thought I knew but clearly didn't. Many false starts. Lots of writing, cut and dropped to the floor. Part of the problem was also focusing too much on other concerns - worries that it was getting too long, or I'd totally ruined the chapter structure I'd planned. These things are doubtlessly true, but I'm not going to worry about them now.

Anyway, those blockers have cleared up, for now. At least, I think so. I'm hoping for another thousand words today and to bring the current scene--Cindy dragged unwillingly to a bar by Julia with the express intention of getting her laid--to a satisfying conclusion.

Have a great weekend!

(Oh, and please respond to the poll!)

Friday: this update, a poll, and chapter 3-3 released for all members

Saturday: Constant, Chapter 3 for the archive

Sunday: Constant, Chapter 2 for the archive

Monday: Sneak Peek--workplace harassment training

Tuesday: Constant, Chapter 1 for the archive (done! at last!)

Wednesday: Constant 3, Chapter 4-3

Thursday: Fan art by Fraylim - pink dress and hotel bar

Friday: weekly update and poll results


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