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It was difficult to decide what to pick for this week's sneak peek. But following the previous scene with Stacy at the bar, I thought readers might enjoy seeing what that leads to. So: imagine following that conversation that David, Julia and a man they've just met, Caleb, return to Julia's condo. Julia's chosen this guy for the sole purpose of humiliating David, though there's a bit more than that going on. At this point, the three are on the sofa. Julia's explained her expectations to David. Caleb has no idea what's going on between these two women but he's along for the ride. After being made to watch Julia and Caleb make out, he's invited forward to join.

 The whole scene ended up being a touch longer than anticipated, running about 8k words in length; here's a short extract. Enjoy!

Warning: explicit details. Some language.


            “Easy there, tiger,” she said. Her fingers rested over his crotch, tented with excitement.  She patted his erection like it were an overly eager puppy. “Remember what I said?”
            He blinked in momentary confusion.

            “We like to share,” she said. With a curl of a finger, she ordered me to approach. “We like to share everything.” Caleb smiled, though not without some anxiety.

            “Um….” He watched me as I gracefully lifted myself from the cushion of the floor and strutted halfway to them. “I mean—yes. That’s great. But, uh, I’ve never—that is—”

            I stood silently and posed for him—for both, hip cocked and smoothing my hair over one shoulder. He looked up at me, then at Julia. “She’s—um.” He turned back to me. “You’re… old enough, right?”

            Julia gave a bark of laughter, but quickly got herself under control.

            I gave a little nod, doe-eyed and biting my lower lip.

            “That’s ah… good,” he said. “This is good.”

            Julia silenced him with a finger against his lips. “Now it’s her turn.”  She returned to the kitchen island to pour herself another glass of wine. Then she crossed over to the chair in the corner and sat down and positioned herself to watch.

            Following her cue, I crossed the remaining distance to Caleb. Again, I felt hyperaware of the tap of my heels against the floor and the wiggle they imposed on my walk. I stood in front of him. Under his gaze, I very distinctly felt the shortness of the sparkly miniskirt, the tightness of the bustier and just how much skin I bared in contrast to this man in his rumpled suit and shirt.

            He gazed at me from his seat on the sofa, mouth hanging slightly open.

            “You can touch her, you know.”

            He touched my knee. His fingers stroked the sensitive, soft skin behind the knee. His touch was hesitant at first but with a nod from Julia, he held me more firmly. His hand traveled up over my fishnets and rested on the bare skin of my thigh. My skin crawled at his touch. He explored the other leg with the other hand, fingers dabbling their length before also resting at my thigh. Then, his grip tightened, thumbs digging into the flesh beneath my buttock. I gave a little yelp of surprise as with a sudden tug he pulled me off my high-heeled perch onto his lap.

            Through his pants and the silky nothing of my panties, his erection rudely poked my bum.  His fingers threaded through my long hair. His thumb traced the line of my collarbone, and his breath was hot on my neck, red wine and a faint musk of cologne. I glanced back over my shoulder at Julia with pleading eyes. She watched me from her chair, legs crossed at the knee, cradling her wine glass. Her eyes glittered with amusement.

            With an insistent hand he turned my face back towards his. I felt his touch on my breasts. Then his palm rested between my shoulders. My top offered scant protection. I felt small, and terribly vulnerable under his touch.

            Again, he paused. A tiny frown knitted the space above the bridge of his nose. He looked at me with something like concern. “Are you sure you’re okay with this?” he asked, so quietly that Julia couldn’t possibly hear.

            For some reason, his worry touched me deeply. Not so long ago, in the same position, I would not have done the same. I gazed into those pale blue eyes and saw hopeful lust, but also kindness. His touch was hesitant, not with fear or inexperience but with care.

            I still didn’t want to do this. Sitting in his lap remained profoundly humiliating. Julia wanted to emasculate me totally and what could me more un-manning than—this: my little demure nod as I brought his hand to my breast. “I am,” I murmured, a lie that wasn’t entirely a lie because as he slid his touch within the cups of the bustier, a shiver ran down my spine and the heat in my groin blossomed once again. I gasped at his touch. I whimpered, just a little, as he cradled me closer. And this time, when he brought his lips to mine, it didn’t seem quite so bad.

            We kissed, deeply, his hand at the base of my neck holding me close, and the other fondling my tit. I hated it; I loved it; I hated the fact it felt so fucking good. And when he rolled my engorged nipple between thumb and forefinger, I gasped. And when he pinched down hard, I moaned; and unlike Julia, I arched my back and forced my chest deeper into his grip. He continued to kiss and touch me intimately and I received his attention passively.

            A hand swept my hair back from my shoulder. Julia’s, joining us at the sofa. She pulled Caleb away and kissed him deeply. I was left slightly reeling, mouth open and gasping for air. Then she gave him back to me, and he kissed my open mouth, tongue diving deep. As he kissed me, I felt Julia’s fingers dancing along my back. Hooks and eyes parted. The bustier released its grip and fell away, leaving me naked but for heels, thigh highs and panties and that tiny sparkling skirt.

            I saw the look of appreciation and lust in Caleb’s eyes as he saw my boobs in their full naked glory. And I saw Julia smirk as I preened under his appreciative stare.

            With a light touch, she shifted me off the sofa. They continued to kiss, but also watched as I dropped to my knees in front of Caleb. With a light touch at the thigh, I had him part his legs and shuffled even nearer.

            And my heart pounded in my chest and a dull pain throbbed in my temple.

            And he looked down at me in anticipation.

            And Julia indicated that I should begin.

            My hands trembled a little as I reached for his belt buckle. I undid his trousers. He lifted his ass from the sofa as I tugged them down to the ground. He kicked them aside and sat there on Julia’s expensive sofa in a pair of loose-fitting boxers decorated with a print of schnauzer dogs wearing Buckingham palace guardsman uniforms: red tunics, black bearskin hats. He chuckled. “I… wasn’t expecting to show these to anyone tonight.”


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