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Start of Week: 40,402

End of Week: 37,206

Change: +6856

Year to Date: 66,913

Those numbers obviously don't make any sense without an explanation.

With the repackaging of Constant into a trilogy, I took the old chapter six and split it between Book 3, chapters 1 and 2. Currently, chapter 1 is pretty much complete, at around 37k words; and chapter 2 is half-done, at 10k words.

Shifting from editing and posting back to purely focusing in writing has been... more difficult than anticipated, especially against the backdrop of an excrutiatingly busy work week. The brain's been slow to engage, and the first couple of days this week were really hard going. Around Wednesday, though--I odn't know--something shifted, and the words started to flow again. Yesterday went really well and today--absolutely fantastic, a whopping 2,500 words flowing with ease.

I'm a bit nervous about the Halloween/Michael Collin scene, though. You'll see why on Monday. I think it's pretty good. And it integrates well enough into the general flow of the chapter. But I'm also touching on something unexpectedly serious, and I'm worried it might come off as too glib, or tonally jarring for the reader. Well, you can let me know what you think when I share it on Monday.

For now, Chapter One is done! I'm going to let it stew over the weekend, give it a final pass and then share it here on Monday. Then onwards to chapter 2, which only needs one more scene: The Story of Julia, part 2. I reckon I might just maage to finish that next week. And then after that--well, I've been looking forward to writing part 3 for quite awhile now: The Story of David Saunders.

Have a great weekend!


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