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Not much to update this week. Chapters 3, 4 and 5 revised, with some new material added through, most notable a flashback/dream sequence at the end of chapter 4.

I probably should tackle revising the Interlude - but I think I'm going to skip it for now and get back to writing chapter 6. I've been keen to get back to it for weeks now!

I've enjoyed a little Easter holiday time, which has been great but not for writing--sttuggled at times to find the space and time. Conversely, it's been great for reading.

I'll probably ramble about this later, but read some fantastic short stories they've really fired up the imagination - I'm keeping a notebook of ideas to write after finishing chapter 6. Also started reading a novel that hasn't inspired anything--it's pretty trashy stuff--but it's been great for my own confidence. I mean, this author is unbelievably successfully, and I'm not convinced it's any better written than my stuff, though obviously in a more mainstream and accepted genre.

In any case, have a great weekend! Constant is now posted up to chapter 3 on TGS, so starting on chapter 4 tomorrow - another two weeks or so I reckon before that site's caught up.


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