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I posted the first half of Chapter 6 on Thursday night. It's now been up for a full weekend; here's some thoughts:

1. I invest -way- too much of myself into this! I only mean that half-seriously, but I honestly sleep terribly that first night wondering what the feedback's going to be. Which is crazy; the internet's a terrible place to seek validation!  I really need to learn to post these thing on a workday morning before heading to work.

2. Uptake's been... disappointing, but not unexpectedly so. It's only just crept past the 1,200 view mark at the time of writing this which is, relative to the other posts around it, pretty poor.

3. It's a big ask for a reader to pick something up with part 1 of chapter 6 of the second series of a story: it's not surprising view count is low.  Still, it's somewhat disheartening, considering the work put into it; I still think it's some of my best writing to date.

4. The reviews were nice! Though most of them came from you wonderful patrons, it always remains encouraging to get feedback. My takeaway of low read count + solid number of reviews is that those who like Constant, really like it; but it's not picking up many new readers at this point, which leads to....

5. My style of writing isn't popular. More on this in another post, but I wonder whether the way I'm writing Constant now simply isn't what a lot of people are looking for.  My writing is verbose and descriptive--probably overly so--and long. Not everyone's reading FM one-handed, but those looking for fapping material in Constant have a long way to go between erotic scenes.  

A good thing that came out of this is that I decided to post to TGStorytime.  Putting chapter 6 up there on its own didn't make much sense, so I finally decided to go all the way back to the beginning and start the first sweep of edits to harmonize the whole story.  More on that later--it's been a big job so far!--but uptake over there has been great.  The way TGS reports word count is misleading, as it's an amalgamation of reads across all chapters: a bunch of small chapters will generate far more 'reads' than single, large ones. Nevertheless, as of writing this, the first six chapters of Constant are revised and posted, and it's just passed 13k views, which is pretty awesome. Those views skew heavily towards the earlier chapters: the Prologue has over 2500 views, but the last part of chapter 6, only 124.


Graydon May

I really like your writing, it's all i want from a writer. e.g. you rock. It's hard to market your wares on this or FM as they don't provide an outlet to raise awareness of your good work. When I get stumped I look for a mentor or someone who has done what I want. What I'm trying to say is that your writings are near perfect but the media doesn't provide for making its readers aware of what's going on. Maybe reaching out to other writers and finding how they overcame these obstacles would be helpful. As my associates say, my advice and $5 buys a fancy coffee at Starbucks


On point 5; I'm used to stuff I like not being popular. I have niche taste. Fine taste I like to think, but still rarely commercially viable. Much of my song lists and movie lists and TV show lists are populated by artists that don't get the big pay cheques. TV Shows that get cancelled mid plot. Songs that don't break the hot 100. Movies that get low reviews for being too weird and esoteric. I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm sorry that you find yourself in the Tom Waits tier rather than the Taylor Swift tier however I can't stand Taylor Swift and Tom Waits never fails to move me. But please know that those of us that enjoy your work, really appreciate your effort. That said, I'd not be calling you a sell out of you were to try and pivot towards a larger audience with other projects. I don't want you to 'suffer for your art', but I do want you to keep making it. So long as you gain satisfaction from your writing that's the main,..and only, thing.

Fakeminsk TG Fiction: Constant in All Other Things

Thank you! That's very kind. While I wouldn't describe my work as 'perfect' by any means--quite the opposite, I'm often very frustrated by the shortfall between what I imagine and what actually end up on the page!--I'm glad that there are people who enjoy the story, enough so to engage in conversation about it, and offer feedback. The frustration only really arises when 1) I publish and the results are slow to trickle in--which is on me, I just need to be more patient; and 2) when I see other TG authors running successful Patreons and wonder what they're offering that I'm not--and that's just unhealthy on my part. If every aspiring author compared themselves to Stephen King or JK Rowling or Brandon Sanderston, the world of literature would be much less rich for it. (I picked those names because I imagine they're at the upper end of earnings - have no idea. Maybe Sarah Maas should be on that list? I've never read a word, but I imagine she's rolling in cash.) Which is to say - I'm just going to keep plugging away at doing my thing.

Fakeminsk TG Fiction: Constant in All Other Things

I have to grudgingly admit I've come around a bit to Taylor Swift - she's a bit predictably heteronormative in what she puts out, but I think she's got some fine songs. But I take your point. When I've finished chapter 6 I'll try my hand at a few shorter pieces, and I''d like to push out another chapter of Aubriella (another one that hasn't really captured the clicks!), but mostly I think I'm just going to carry on as is. There's no suffering here (other than balancing this against work) - I'm still very much enjoying the writing.