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Just a quick message.
I'd like to thank you all for being patient with me.
As you may have noticed I've some month-long hiatuses, every now and then,.
But the truth is, it wasn't enough. I've done over 800 fanarts of the couple, specifically - and lately, I was feeling tired, as I was running out of ideas and inspiration, slowly. I was even coming to dislike them.

Around that time, I noticed my fanart was getting dull and uninteresting, and I didn't like the idea of going n that way.

Begrudgingly, I decided to keep the hiatus going, hoping for your understanding that I would need more time.
It was worth it: after 3 months, my batteries are charged and I'm inspired thanks to a series that came out on Netflix.
I'm waking up with a jump on my feet, and I'm happy to be able to draw again!

I hope I've made up for it with the latest fanarts.

Thank you all so much, with all my heart ♥



Your art always brings me joy.


Your art is amazing and I’m always happy to see it pop up


We love your TeddyxBilly fanart, always. If you do want to post other fanart or something original, I support you. Over the past two years, I’ve been reinventing my own art—no small thanks to you and some other artists—and I tell myself to not do art from the same fandom more than three times in a row. It helps me keep it fresh. Either way, I’m glad you are feeling better now!


I love your artwork, no matter if it’s the Billy/Teddy pairing or otherwise. I hope you don’t stop drawing those two. At the same time, I understand your frustration. And you should definitely mix it up by drawing different sets of characters.

Steve Kenson

So glad to hear that you're feeling recharged, Cris! Your art is well worth waiting for.


You’re an artist that’s worth supporting, regardless of output. I never thought your work was getting stale, but I’m delighted to hear your passion has been re-ignited

eduardo alexander

Good to hear that you're charge up and ready to do fan art.I have always enjoyed your work and looking forward to your new adventures..Always ...😉😘👍🙂


I've been a fan of work for years, I think close to a decade now. Your Teddy and Billy works remain one of my favourite series and I'm awed by what a collection it is. It is understandable that you need to recharge and renew your inspiration at times after so many years. I am glad to hear that it sounds like you have managed to get your muse back again ❤️


Take all the time you need we’ll all be here to support you when your ready!!

Nicole Sjolin

I'm new here, but I'd like to say that you don't owe anyone apologies for needing time to reset your creative batteries (though, it's incredibly sweet of you to think that you do.) The relationship between an artist and their art is so personal and it can be so easy to develop a block, get down on yourself, or even burn yourself out from something that once brought you such joy. So it's incredibly important to practice self-care! I'm so glad that you took time for yourself and I'm sure that you'll find that your mental health and art have improved for it! You're clearly super loved and I hope you remind yourself of that often and smile :)

Murilo Moura Sarno

I enjoy your style so create the art that you want and like.