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I'm sorry with the past message... it was my mistake... it was a private message and I got the "copy paste" wrong... now here is the right message ----------------- Hello: I just wanted to tell you that I have not disappeared as you may think because I’m drawing less than before. This month I’m very very busy because of the moving, now I’ll live by my own so all this month I have been taking a look to new furniture, installing lamps and curtains, cleaning, etc... and next week I’ll be officially living on my own home. So please forgive me if you are waiting more drawings this month, I’ll be uploading as much as I can. Hug!♥ P.S.: Just added some info in Platinum Access. ;)



No se preocupe de no extraer suficiente, moviéndose siempre es estresante. Tómese su tiempo y establecerse primero. --- Don't worry about drawing not enough, moving is always stressfull. Take your time and get settled first.


Cool!! Good luck with the move! :D


Exciting!! Take your time~ Moving is always super stressful. Try to imagine Billy during a move, and then /not/ get as stressed as he would be. xD Good luck and have fun! P: