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Beloved patrons, lately I'm lacking inspiration... I need new ideas to draw so I would like to ask you which AU would you like me to draw Billy and Teddy, and if it's possible, in what kind of situation?. Perhaps I would not me able to draw every idea but I will do draw every idea that brings me some inspiration. :P Thanks!



Maybe a power swap AU? Not sure I if youve ever done some done like that before.


I can toss some ideas at you! These are just ideas to maybe give you inspiration, not specific requests. I'm into whatever you end up drawing: Billy and Teddy as firefighters Billy and Teddy as cops Billy and Teddy as magical creatures (centaurs, elves, merfolk) Teddy as Captain America Billy and Teddy in Hogwarts Billy and Teddy in The Hunger Games Billy and Teddy as Agents of SHIELD Billy and Teddy as prisoners Billy and Teddy as Jedi Billy and Teddy as the prince and the pauper Billy and Teddy as fantasy characters Billy and Teddy as Beauty and the Beast House of M Billy and Teddy Age of Apocalypse Billy and Teddy I hope this helps!


not quite understand ... You mean like Billy as Hulkling and Teddy as Wiccan?


Hmmm... of course, I'm always looking at the sexual angle (I'm a sexologist). How about... The two guys having sex mid-flight, with Teddy's wings keeping them aloft! I always fantasize about Billy being out in nature. I guess I've thought that much of Billy's magic comes from the natural world (or that's what I wanted) so him out in nature pleasuring himself, using the elements whirling around him to enhance his orgasm - yum! I'll think of more...


Teddy as a skrull emperor and Billy as his mage/lover. I just really like the idea of teddy being a powerful conqueror and Billy being beautiful with lots of jewels on his clothing and maybe sitting next to or on teddys throne (Maybe on the armrest while Teddys sitting in the chair, putting Billy in ear whispering range) :P Or maybe something sexy in teddys bed chamber... :P I love your art Thank you!


More from the FamousAU would be awesome. Billy and Teddy as SHIELD Agents (Or Hydra Agents) Evil Billy and Teddy (Teddy the warlock and Teddy his monstrous guardian maybe) I second someone else's idea of them having sex while flying. Billy the druid, getting some alone time with Teddy the Satyr or other mystical creature. Teddy working out at the gym. Maybe even Billy riding him while he does some bench presses. Billy and Teddy as Beauty and the Beast (Copying Khirsah again)


Maybe a mirror-verse where they're both bad guys? Or an AU where one of them is a bad guy and the other isn't? Or a Dracula AU? (Teddy as a vampire, Billy as a conflicted hunter?) The 50's zombie AU was wonderful. Maybe a pastiche of other eras? Steampunk. Or some more hot sexy times. I always squee when I see those ;)


How fun. If you feel it, maybe doing some of them in sporting together. Anything. My partner and I are always running together or biking. We went bungee jumping together ONCE, then I said NO MORE. LOL. Stuff like that. We try not to get competitive, but we do in a funny way and then it leads to fun and (ahem)... I always like seeing them do things couples do. Thanks.