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Greetings everyone.

To make things short, for a little while now I've begun to worry I might have ADHD, and that it impaired my ability to be productive.

I've begun the process for an official diagnosis, and that part of it is a month of trial on anxiety meds.

The purpose of this treatment is for me to become more productive, and therefore to give you more chapters more often or let me do more projects outside of writing Silhouette, but in this period of trial and error, my ability to write or my productivity might instead get worse until the right meds are found.

Hopefully, we won't reach this kind of worst-case scenario, and instead unsuccessful treatment will just leave things as they are now, but I felt you still deserved to be informed.

I will strive to write more. Chapter 117 is already available to Fantastic Fans, and I hope to do more next week.

Thank you all for your support.



Best wishes get better