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Helloooo wonderful patrons! =D You're overdue an update on what I've been up to recently!!

First, some exciting news: I am getting to live out every weeb's dream and I am flying to Japan late next week for a two-week holiday!!!

This is gonna be the trip of a lifetime and something for which I've been carefully saving for ages; gonna pack in as much nerd stuff as I possibly can over there xD

I am working as hard as I can to make sure that there is no significant reduction in content while I am away, although I won't be able to reply to messages/inquiries during that time.

On the content side of things, I am cracking on with last month's poll winners, Fubuki and Tatsumaki from One Punch Man, who will be starring in this month's voice-acted sequence!!! =D I've written the script for this one today and I think you guys are gonna enjoy it =3

More fetish art is on the way, basically!! =D Thank you all so, so much for your support <3 Hope y'all have a great day!!



Yo, you're making the journey! 👀 Very cool, I hope you have an amazing time in Japan. I'm going to make my trip there next year.


Wow, congrats on the upcoming trip! I'm hoping to do the same within the next few years, but sadly financial road blocks keep popping up 😪


Also, I can't speak for other patrons, but I'd love to see some photos once you return, at least of some of the cool loot you're sure to pick up! Have a great time!


Thank you my friend!!! =D Yeah it's super exciting; gonna weeb out to the max haha xD I'll be sure to let y'all know how it goes; hope you get a good time for it next year yourself!


Thank you! I know what you mean; I've been saving for this for ages and just kinda think in these uncertain times I should go while I know I can xD Hope you get to go at some point, my friend; it's supposed to be incredible! =D I'll for sure post some photos when I get back! =D Going to try to limit the loot if I can, but then again, it's a once in a lifetime trip and I'm sure I'll find plenty of waifu crap to tempt me xD


Had to join back for Tatsumaki. I do prefer small breasts though (provided they're canonically small) so I'm a bit curious why you made Misuzu Gundo's small, but Tatsumaki's large? Don't feel you have to answer if you don't want. I also want to go to Japan at some point. I don't think anyone would mind if you just enjoy your vacation and don't worry about posting.


Hi there! =D You ask a very good question re breast sizes -- I love Tatsumaki as a character but I have been a bit nervous about drawing her because she is depicted as being quite small and young-looking despite her canonical adult age. Patreon (and most platforms where I share my artwork) has very strict rules about anything that looks like sexualisation of minors, so I wanted to draw her in a way that made it very, 100% crystal clear that she is an adult woman who just happens to be short, so I may have emphasised her breasts and hips more than in some of her depictions elsewhere. I hope that makes sense!! And thank you! =D I hope you get the chance to go someday; it's supposed to be amazing!! I will enjoy my vacation very much but I like to schedule at least some pieces to auto-post when I do take time off as I like to make sure my patrons always get their money's worth =3 Thanks for commenting!