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Some variations on the lovely shy Komi! =D Slightly fewer than usual this time around what with the 'captions' being built into the piece xD Also, this was intended to be a warmup sketch while I was stuck on Hibana, but it ended up turning into more xD

Still need more practice making shoes look nice -- I think doing this first has helped me work out how to make Hibana's heels look extra slim and sexy, but these ones have some room for improvement, I think.

Getting more confident with nylons, though! =D

Hope y'all enjoy these -- look out for more artwork coming very soon!




Too cute! Her nylons are so beautiful. The caption on that last pic 😳😳😳


Ooo these nylons look amazing! Lovely variations on a shy girl : ) a bit of a different girl than the femdom ones but she is just as perfect as they are.


Hehe thanks I'm glad you like her! =D She's such a sweetie in the anime.


Glad you like it! =D Who knows how much foot aroma would build up after a week wearing the same nylons... *_*


Hehe yeah, she's not the type of girl I'm normally compelled to draw, but I just couldn't resist! ^_^ Nice to mix things up with some shy feet every now and then. Glad you enjoy the nylons!


Very cute.