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Hello wonderful patrons! =D I hope the week is treating you all well so far =3

- So the results of the recent 2000s Anime Leading Ladies Flash Poll came in over the weekend, and y'all have chosen C.C. from Code Geass! =D This was a really close-fought vote but she ended up taking the lead in both the main poll and the Tier 3 Vote Booster, so I have started work! =D I want to refine her facial expression a little bit but we have a booty- and feety-licious pic in the works that I hope you guys will like!

- The monthly themed poll will open for suggestions from Tier 3 patrons starting tomorrow! =D I won't say too much here, but if you're in Tier 3 then look out for that very soon, and voting will be open to Tier 2+ patrons after suggestions close.

- On the topic of suggestion polls, I just wanted to let y'all know that I have been doing some thinking about how best to conduct these after being a part of other artists' patreon pages for a while now. Polls by their very nature favour more popular/maintstream characters, which is good for clicks and general interest but does mean that patrons who have favourite characters who are a bit more niche might suggest them over and over but never get them picked (I have never managed to rally enough votes to convince any of the artists I follow to draw my #1 Waifu, Velvet Crowe from Tales of Berseria xD)

I'm trying to think of something I can do about that and the best I have come up with right now is maybe doing something like taking note of how many times a character is suggested, and if they get put forward X number of times without winning a poll, I add them to a shortlist to get draw at some future point. I don't want to put any definite numbers to it or promise anything concrete just yet because I am just one man and still a little on the slow side when it comes to art production xD (Although I get a tiny bit faster every time! >=3)

Just wanted to say that this is a limitation I am aware of when it comes to polls, and I am always thinking of you guys and how to give you the best value that I possibly can in return for your awesome and generous support.

Anyway, that's all from me for now -- have a great day/evening/night and look out for the suggestion poll tomorrow! =D



You absolute king 🤤💚


Love this idea <3 Some of the other Patreon’s it seems more like a popularity contest between waifu of the week. And with someone whose waifu is between loved and hated and still never won, let alone any of the non-popular choices I or anyone else picked, it definitely feels like your voice can get lost when choosing, So I Love this idea a ton! : ) can’t wait to see this poll that you esp know who I’m picking. And can’t wait to see C.C! Great work as always teach


Thank you, I'm glad you like it! =D That's one of the reasons I like themed polls more than just open suggestions -- it incentivises people to get creative and opens things up a bit so that it's not always Tifa or Ishtar every month =P (Not that I have anything against those characters, ofc xD) I will need to hash out the details of how it will work but I want to put something in place to reward long-term patrons who might struggle to get their favourites picked in a raw popularity contest. Thanks for commenting; looking forward to your suggestion on the poll! =D


A suggestion maybe, you could do a poll and upon getting the results, put the % of votes on a probability simulator, like this one for example. https://www.nctm.org/adjustablespinner/ That way, you'd still get a chance of the less voted for option being picked, without having the popular character just win every time.


Oh wow, that is actually a really interesting and creative idea =O Like voting on how many lottery tickets a character gets, so less popular ones are still in the running but with a lower %. That's really cool xD Only problem I can see is that it would then feel a bit bad if your fav got loads of votes and then didn't win after all because of random chance xD But I like your thinking!! I will mull this over. Thank you for the suggestion! =D


That's certainly an issue I've observed in other Patreons as well. I usually ended up biting the bullet and requesting someone that I like less (but still like) who's more recent/popular and push for that character to win instead of the one I wanted the most as a compromise, but it would be nice to not have to do that without feeling like you're throwing your chance out the window. One possibility to mitigate that issue would be to grant an additional X number of votes to a voting option by the number of times it's been in the polls without winning. It requires someone to be tracking the number of times a request has come up, but it sounds like you were going to be doing something like that anyways.


Yeah, I've ended up doing the same thing in the past -- opting for my second or third choice because I think it might get more popular support. I will be tracking the number of times each request comes up! I am brewing an idea in my head for a solution that might be fun, but I'll need to think it over carefully and make sure it's something I can comfortably commit to (and make sure it actually solves the problem xD) Thanks for your input; I really appreciate it =3