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SUGGESTION CLOSING DATE: Wednesday 14th July 21:00 BST

For my first-ever Patreon fanart poll, I want to bring you *TWO* lovely ladies for the price of one -- and what better way to do it than for us to choose a pair of sisters to show off their lovely feet! =D

The rules are simple:
- Post a comment below suggesting your pair of sisters. They can be from anime, video games, etc. Whatever you like!
- One suggestion per Tier 3 Patron =)
- Please let me know what series/game/IP your chosen sisters are from, as this will more easily help me find who you're talking about!
- Stick to only two sisters for now!

Once suggestions are closed, voting will take place among all Tier 2 Patrons and above! =D  (No furries, lolis, OCs, or real people, please!)

*As this is the first ever poll, I have made the closing date a little later than I might normally to allow more people a chance to sign up for my Patreon page =)
*If we end up with fewer than 4 options, I will add some ideas of my own for everyone to vote on.




Love this idea :D I’d have to toss my suggestion in for my fav sister pair from Kill La Kill. Ryuko and Satsuki


Oooo! I have not yet got around to watching KLK -- I am familiar with those two from fanart and suchlike but I did not realise they were sisters! x'D Fantastic choice! =D


My sugesstion for the poll is Mirajane Strauss and Lisanna Strauss from Anime Fairy Tail


Hey there! =D Thank you so much for joining and for your suggestion! =3 These two are super cute!!


I’m going to suggest Maki and Mai from Jujutsu Kaisen! I’d love to see those two united in disgust 😍


Aw, yeah! =D Love me some Jujutsu Kaisen and those two are fantastic =) Great choice!