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Dear Diary,

Oh boy, today left me feeling a bit overwhelmed. So, you know how I was all excited about acting school and chasing my dreams? Well, reality hit me like a ton of bricks, and it turns out my classes are, like, super-duper hard.

I had my first acting theory class today. They didn’t have class the first week. I didn’t know the teacher was going to make up for it on the first day. It felt like stepping into a different universe. The teacher was throwing around terms like "Stanislavski method" and "method acting," and I was there like, "Wait, what?" It's like learning a whole new language, Diary, and I'm just a beginner in the world of Shakespearean gibberish.

Scene analysis is, like, decoding hieroglyphics or something. I stared at the script, trying to figure out what the characters were even talking about. Memorizing lines and understanding the deep emotions behind them is a whole different ball game, and right now, I feel like I'm playing catch with myself.

And then there's the physical aspect of acting. Today's movement class made me feel like a giraffe trying to salsa dance. Coordination? Yeah, right. I tripped over my own feet more times than I'd like to admit. It's like my limbs have a mind of their own, and they're not on Team Wawchan.

After classes, I slumped into my apartment, feeling a bit defeated. Fluffington (my bed) looked like a cozy refuge, but even there, the script pages taunted me. I'm starting to doubt if I'm cut out for this whole acting thing. Maybe I'm just a small-town girl with big dreams that are too ambitious.

I cracked open a pint of ice cream and ate the whole thing. Now, I’m worried I’ll get fat too. I need to take a deep breath and remind myself that challenges are just stepping stones to success. Lights, camera, hard work – that's what they say, right? I'll buckle down, hit the books (or scripts), and give it my all. Tomorrow is a new day, and I'll face those acting challenges head-on.

Feeling a bit overwhelmed but determined,



Am I getting fat?



You can do it wawchan


Is this character done with AI or commissioned. It's cool if it's AI. Allows for illustrations in the chapters