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Dear Diary,

Oh wow, today was like, super mega crazy! I can't believe I'm writing in a diary right now, but my family said it's a good way to remember stuff, so here goes. So, guess what? I'm in the big city now, and it's like a gigantic playground of buildings and lights! Eeeeek!

Moving was like a big puzzle, you know? Stuff in boxes everywhere, and I had to say bye-bye to my room with the cartoon wallpaper. It was kind of sad, but also kind of exciting! I named this part of my life "Wawchan's Epic Adventure" because it sounds cool, right?

Mom and Dad were all teary when they hugged me bye-bye. Mom even gave me this super soft blanket she said would keep me warm when I'm feeling lonely. I hope it has magic hugs or something. I couldn’t bring my stuffed animals, so this will have to be enough. Dad gave me a big talk about dreams and cheering from afar. It was like a superhero pep talk. Pow!

The city is like, WOAH! So many people, tall buildings, and cars zooming everywhere. I feel like a little fish in a giant ocean, but it's kinda cool. Tomorrow is my first day at acting school, and I'm kinda nervous, kinda super excited. The city feels like it's buzzing with magic spells that might turn me into a famous actor.

My new apartment is kinda small, but it's mine! I have boxes everywhere, and my bed is like a magic cloud. I'm gonna name it Fluffington. I can't wait to meet new friends and maybe even find a talking cat or something. It's like a movie, right? Lights, camera, action! I'm ready for my close-up!

Okay, diary, that's it for now. Wish me luck on my big adventure!

Bubbling with excitement,




clinton cuzzort

Nice. Posting on Patreon ✊🏼