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"After all the shit that has been happening in the last months, I decided to go live on the countryside for a while."

"With some financial help from Alice's mom, I was able to buy a little farm and everything necessary to live there for a little while. I went to tell the girls that we'd be going into some vacations, some of them were hesitant at first, but nothing that a little convincing wouldn't solve... except for Alice who said that would rahter die than to leave all of the comodities of being near the city."

"Honestly, I thought Liz would be more resistant to the idea of leaving the library, but she agreed with me, trying to take any more work would cause her a breakdown. She said that she needed a well deserved rest and living at the countryside sounded nice; not too modern to make her feel as an outsider."

"When we arrived, her peace was gone after she saw my plans for all of the girls, but who can say no to this cute face."

"I'm pretty sure she's gonna be hell mad at me afterwards, but I'm making sure to get enough footage to show her how much she enjoyed this experience. Just look at her, being milked without a worry in a world."

"As for me, don't worry, I got enough milk and other tasty liquids to drink- Oh shit, it's almost feeding time for the girls, need to go, keeping them properly fed and hydrated is REALLY important. See you later!"

Lineart for the cowgirl Liz drawing, not much to say but the usual: I have the feeling that the sketch was better...

Anyways, this could be perfectly canon, around a few weeks after the game's true ending (A.K.A: Harem Ending). And if you're wondering who is the MC writting this to, it's for the creator of the gadgets who he befriends at some point int the game (I suggest to read all the diaries in the gadget rooms to unlock her).




holy moly