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Well here we are, a year and some months later into game developement, now with a clearer vision on what I can make with the game. So, here I am to talk about the ideas that will be implemented and those that were discarded... with a little doodles I made to don't get rusty.


First of all let's talk about the type of events the game has/will have different types of events: Story, Control, Friendship/Romance, Repeatables, Unique, World/Side Quest Events.

  • Story: Basically the main events of the game, these advance the plot and unlock new main girls, areas and side quests. Some of these will unlock or require certain level of control/friendship for some girls.
  • Control: The actual main events of the game since MaM is that, a mind control game. Deepen your control over the main or side girls to unlock more lewd scenes and sometimes advance the plot.
  • Frienship/Romance: A little extra for those who want to get to know the girls outside from the main storyline, hang out with the girl of your choice to unlock, mostly, non-related mind control scenes scenes (These are completely optional).
  • Repatables: After unlocking for the first time some Control or Frienship/Romance events, you'll be able to repeat them with a slightly different dialogue.
  • Unique: Events that only happen one time, sometimes with the girl(s) of your choice (Most of these will be repetable in the memory room).
  • World/Side Quests: Events mostly disconnected from the main story, these are mostly to get quality of life improvements (such as the gadgets in 0.05) or some girls (like the protagonist's neighbour or girls at the city).


Something I have in mind is that depending on what you choose to do with the main girls you'll be to either start a relationship with them, have complete control over their minds, or just continue as usual with the options avaliabable, since these changes are sorta permanent (Don't worry, I'll add a sidequest that allows you to reset the relationship at some point).

These are mostly for the repeatables events and unlocking certain endings, the main storyline will continue as usual with the girls acting as if nothing happened.

That or I'll have to lock the endings and certain routes... which is not really fun for players so I think I'll just go with the first option.

  • Romance Route: Increased by hanging out with girls and deciding to start a relationship with them... and yes you can date multiple girls at the time. This route has exclusive events.
  • Neutral Route: With this one you can do whatever you want as long as you don't either commit to fully brainwashing the girls or dating them.
  • Control Route: Increased by hypnotizing the girls and deepening your control. At some point you can decide which path to take: Doll, Pet/Slave or Human Furniture/Objectification. This route has exclusive events and sub-routes.


Something that I'm now able to do now thanks to remaking the girls' code is being able to add multiple clothing and hairstyles. There's not much to say about this since it's exactly what it looks like.

I have some ideas like bunnysuits, maid uniforms, belly dancer attires, swimsuits and animal-like underwear(?)


Since Mind and Magic mostly goes for slower, somewhat semi-realistic hypnosis inductions for the main girls, I decided to add some spice with the gadgets: An even more fantasy-like to get whoever you like under... Also a perfect excuse for me to draw some other stuff I'm into...

These are items that you get from sidequests and basically let you skip the whole control events to bang the girls if you want to (since you can basically speedrun the pendulum and the chip) or just an easy way to farm control points.

Leaving aside the pendulum and the chip, I have another ideas for gadgets: A re-education chamber (most likely brainwashing visors and such), the belly dancer attire (yes, this is gonna be a gadget instead of an outfit... technically it's both?), and some kind of beacons that let you do public mind control scenes and unlock NPCs' houses.


I didn't really know how to call this sections since it's just the last thoughts that might be important to add but don't have much in common so I don't have a clear name for this section...

In any case, the following should be all I've got to say about the game for now, I've discarded some ideas (the ones I'm not talking about here), there may be a thing or two I'm forgetting but the most important ones are above... and below too I guess.


There are some otehr stuff that I'd like to add such as NTR (Netori, not netorare), time stopping (either as a suggestion or the actual thing), bordeline sharing (?), etc.
Most of these would be completely optional in case you're not into it since... I want to draw some weird stuff...


Mind and Magic is basically a visual novel with extra steps, and it'll be like that until it's over. So expect to roam around the world, interact with it as far as RPGM allows you to and solve puzzles every now and then, that's basically all the game will have in terms of gameplay.

Bad Endings:

In some storiy events, depending on your choices or if you've gotten (well, technically if you didn't get) certain requirements, you'll get a game over. So, I recommend to have a save file before important story quests.

Alternate Events:

Some events (both story and repeatables) have/will have different dialogue depending on how much control you have over some girls, if you've met them, etc.

I'd like to add completely different events for some cases, but for now I'll stick to just different dialogue and other slight changes.

More girls:

As you already know there are three types of girls: Main, side and cameo girls. I'll give a little summary of what they are so you don't get confused.

  • Main girls: You'll meet them through the story, they take an important role in either the protagonist's life. These have all mentioned in the "Girls and Routes" section.
  • Side girls: People you'll meet exploring and doing side quests, some have little roles in the plot. These mostly have just their control events and some little appearances here and there.
  • Cameo girls: Girls from other games/creators that you may know, these have no relevance in the main story. They have their control events and some little appearances here and there.



Niceeee love this game please keep continue to develop it

T.A.O. Mailbox

all of this sounds good. good luck with continued development!


When can we proceed with the girl's control route selection