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The Anniversary Update is finally here!!! 

Well... the beta for it... but it has everything important for an eroge, all the new events, repeatables and sprites are here.

This was a hell of work to get done, but overall, I think it's worth it. Here is the changelog and the download links!

EDIT (24/07/2023): Just uploaded a new fix, this should solve problems with Erika, tilesets, some typos and other stuff. I'll give it another playthrough and see if there's anything left. If not I'll start programming all what's left for the "normal" patron release.

EDIT (09/08/2023): Uploaded the last fix/patch including everything else needed, fixing some bugs and typos. I'll wait a few days or a week to see if there's any bugs or something that needs to be polished.


  • 2 Minigames to get both the Pendulum and the Mind Control Chip
  • A little help to skip the Mind Control Chip (Get caught 10 times and it will pop out).
  • Descriptions and interactions with the objects in the new zones
  • Adding NPCs and houses around the city
  • Adding some dialogues for when you visit certain places for the first time


(I had to remake A LOT of code, older save files WILL NOT work. There is a save file at the end of 0.04 in case you don't want to replay the entire game.)

  • 18 new art pieces! (9 events + 3 sprites + 6 extras):
  • 2 reworked art pieces (this were not included above).
  • 2 new events for Alice.
  • 2 new events for Liz.
  • Added the first cameo girl: Erika.
  • 4 main events for Erika.
  • 2 extra events for Erika.
  • New sprite for the protagonist.
  • New sprite for Cyrillia.
  • New expressions for Liz, Bea and Alice.
  • Reworked the menu for the girls
  • Added new zone: The City
  • Added new zone: The Facility
  • New banner.
  • Fixed a whole bunch of bugs and errors from previous version
  • Fixed some errors with the questlog




I'm so glad to be able to finally publish at least the beta, but there is an important thing I must say. Even with all the content this update has, I messed up some stuff and the "Alice's Masturbation" repeatable scene was lost, the story version is still there and you can see it through the memory room, but you can't see it by talking to Alice... 

It's not that much of a loss since I was planning on reworking that one anyways, but just a shame I messed it up.

That's all I have to say for now. If you're reading this, it means you're supporting me more than other tiers, and thanks for doing so. Now you can have other rewards aside from sketches and lineart!




Awsome game! Keep up the good work!


I can't believed, is really came out on my birthday xD. btw, seems I have the same problem with Erika second event that someone commented, that or I'm stupid and can't find the fix. Anyway, great job, I enjoy a lot the new events!