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Here I am once again, let's talk about the upcoming update and some little changes to both the page and my workflow.


Patrons already know this, but the ones who don't, 0.05 is a special update. It's way much bigger than the usual ones as a celebration for getting over a year developing MaM.

Because of that some non-essential features such as minigames will take some time to get done. So, I've decided to release betas for cases like this when stuff that's not really important would delay the publish date (these will be avalibable for $10 and $15 tiers).

I can't really say how much time it will take from a beta to the patron release version, so think of them as an even earlier access for people those people who support the most (I'm also considering adding a new tier to explore this even further).

ABOUT 0.05:

Leaving that aside, I had to do A LOT of things I didn't plan to do, one of them: Basically re-do 75% of MaM code because it was trash. I had to rework a lot of stuff to get make it easier to add new features (such as the gadgets), get rid of a lot of bugs and make sure new players have more freedom with their playthroughs.

And for the thing I did plan, here you have the changelog for 0.05 so you know what to expect.


  • 18 new art pieces! (9 events + 3 sprites + 6 extras):
  • 2 reworked art pieces (this were not included above).
  • 2 new events for Alice.
  • 2 new events for Liz.
  • Added the first cameo girl: Erika.
  • 4 main events for Erika.
  • 2 extra events for Erika.
  • New sprite for the protagonist.
  • New sprite for Cyrillia.
  • New expressions for Liz, Bea and Alice.
  • Reworked the menu for the girls
  • Added new zone: The City
  • Added new zone: The Facility
  • New banner.
  • Fixed a whole bunch of bugs and errors from previous version
  • Fixed some errors with the questlog


Along with the betas, I've decided to change the way I deliver content. Instead of going for big update every 4-5 months, I'll go with shorter updates every 1-2 months.

(I'll start doing this as soon as the public version of 0.05 is out).

Along with this, I've decided to spend more time into the "marketing" of the game, making some promo images.

While writting this, I realized I probably can't use some of the pics due to them being too suggestive for public posts. Yes, anything suggestive must be kept for patron only posts according to Patreon guidelines, so you'll most likely see those on Itch.io or F95 Zone.  But don't worry I'll make some milder alts for here. Like the one above!

Finally, I just want to say that tomorrow, I'll be playtesting the beta, that means it should be done and uploaded here in around 3 days at much.