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Hey, this is a little different than usual, all this time working on this project I've been using the same drawing tablet and even though it worked perfectly fine and I was comfortable with it I finally decided to upgrade it, the new one arrived yesterday and I can say for sure that I'll be able to give you more quality content with this.

I want to say that I'm still getting used to it so, I'll take a couple of days before posting the next poll (I'm working on the game so don't worry about it!).

And finally I just want to thank you all for making this, and all of what's happened so    far, possible. Being able to work on MaM and drawing in general has been a great experience and it wouldn't have happened without your support, both patrons and people that just consume my content.

Thank you again for all your support! I'll make sure to give you more lewds and updates to enjoy... and maybe a little "raff-le" (yes, I'm writting it like that because it's not allowed here, so I'll probably do it on Twitter).
