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HD version - Mark is ready to go and be thankful for the experience he witnessed, but Rose has some unfinished business.



David Hornbrook

I forget if I mentioned this before, if I did sorry, But if I did, it just goes to show how much I feel about this. Elsa will always be my favorite, but as for comic short series, this is favorites, this is my most favorite and always looking for the next installment. The morph you are using for Rose is fantastic! Hopefully there is lot more before this set is finished. Personally, I think it would be cool if the guys give her card, to see the Pastor at the church, to welcome her to the brotherhood. So we could see her done the road from time to time in Christian Knockers.


Once Rose is done, and perhaps she'll remain grainy and gritty until she's out of the hood, which sets it apart from everything else. As a character, her possibilities are mind boggling bright and vibrant or not.


Indeed DL and I have already discussed another 2-3 chapters and have many different ideas/scenarios that take the story on.