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HD version - Christian Knockers : Next Generation, Chapter One : Sins of the Daughter.

Christian Knockers for $5 and up: https://www.patreon.com/posts/christian-19820082

Christian Knockers [HD version] for $10 and up: https://www.patreon.com/posts/christian-hd-19820144



Eddie Edwards

Yes we need to shar all the goodies with each other


I like where this is going, but these images look just as washed-out / over-exposed as the first update. Am I going crazy? Wait, don’t answer that. DL, you’ve got to fix this before Elise gets naked. It’s too important to stuff up!


What device are you viewing the pages on? The saturation is lower than previous CK, but that's intended. The color profile embedded in the file might not be picked up by your device so try other monitors/devices if you can compare.


Thanks for replying. I’m using a 27” iMac. I’ve been a fan of CK for a long time and this is the first time I’ve felt some of the images weren’t quite right. Take page 29. That just looks too bright to me, as if Elise was standing in full sunlight and not indoors. The images inside the church looked fantastic, it’s just some of the others. Look, you are a brilliant artist. If you think it’s OK, who am I to argue. I’m loving this story, by the way. Hopefully the action moves someplace with less light — like a bedroom, say.