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The updated version of the prototype using all of the features necessary for combat and free-roam has arrived.  It's a small little sandbox to explore and fight, and talk.  Be sure to talk to both NPCs you find the first area to unlock the mission and teleport there.

The default Ultra graphics setting is very demanding on your PC so try lower settings or even lower resolutions if you can't get a comfortable frame rate.  4K resolution is very expensive so try lower if you want higher fps.  The fps is shown in the bottom-left corner of the screen.

I would love to hear your feedback, particularly on your system hardware performance and specific thoughts on the features of the prototype.  I'm already busy working on the next prototype.  You can contact me here, in private message, or the DarklordComics discord.

Download from MEGA:




Didn't load for me.


It work pretty fine for me ! 60fps all the way with max graphics. Just for you to know, you can soft lock yourself in the combat mission by going all the way around and fall down after the barriers at the beginning of the mission.


I ran it on High just fine, didn't check out Ultra since I have an older system. Sprinting added some character choppiness, but not frame drops, if that makes sense. I love the look of the characters and clothing. Very high quality stuff there. Feature wise I was wanting a combat roll, just because. lol


Thanks for the feedback! I'm checking out the sprint animation choppiness and I like the idea of a combat roll. The roll could be useful for the next version of ranged combat to help you avoid bullets. Maybe dodge the new melee guy as well.