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HD version - Happy CK Friday!

Christian Knockers for $5 and up: https://www.patreon.com/posts/christian-19820082

Christian Knockers [HD version] for $10 and up: https://www.patreon.com/posts/christian-hd-19820144




Awesome! Love the pace in this series. Getting more detail since you’ve doubled up.

Brendan Meehan

I haven't seen any pics of it in the backlog (though I've yet to go through all of it), but are you ever planning on doing even one pinup each of Maggie and Catherine in those slutty nun costumes they wear for the Christian Knockers update pics? They look great, but the pictures aren't the most titilating, given the non-chalent posing, lighting etc; so a pinup would be awesome.


I have been thinking of a pinup at least for Elise, but those outfits (or similar) are planned for the actual story too.

Brendan Meehan

Well, I await either (or both) with bated breath in that case. Thanks for the swift reply.


I love how Elise is such an eager participant in her own deflowering. Time for Leon to stop holding back and give her the pounding she wants!