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Happy CK Monday!

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Hey DL, I’ve been meaning to post this comment for a few weeks now, just want to say that I’m realizing the standout for your canon stuff is the character development / unique personalities and motivations. Add in the sexual skills that vary across girls too. I.e. I really like that Catherine is weaker than Elise in head game, Elise is getting into the biz but still super naive to what is going on, where Maggie is like a top agent and Catherine is snooping.

Mezz Mezzrow

I'm hoping she decides to suck it... gets so wet that she can't stand it... begs to be slammed... and goes wild!


Not to be missed, I think Hannah is my favorite character, way different motivations, she’s not religiously opposed to sex, but morally/professionally trying to respect her tutor position, but being on thin ice for that scholarship is putting some pressure to bend the rules towards her initial interest/shock after peeping.


DL’s style is more of a slow build. Probably not going to wreck a new girl all at once. Hasn’t happened since early early Maggie stuff


.... yes, poor Maggie, .... and that`s the reason why i think DL is designing the upcoming play/animation so that Maggie can enjoy a more slow and soft «sexual corruption»;) As the Lord Protector of Maggies ass and other assets i find this very satisfying;)

Mezz Mezzrow

Yeah... I am more than a little familiar with DL's style - and for many years... but, I think he could sometimes use a bit more heat and wanton spontaneity... I'm not such a fan of the slow dance -- especially when my hair grows grey waiting to get there


haha, fair enough. That's also why the One Shots are so great. Same 'world' non-canon straight to the action!


But Mezz Mezzrow, then Elsa is just right the girl for you, she is full of heat and wanton spontaneity, that I am sure she gets you hard as wood in DL next story about her;)