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What type of content updates do you like to see the most?

This can also factor into the future Darklord Universe game since it's an alternate form of delivering content in an interactive method.



Evi looks so hot


It's all great. Hard to choose one over the others.


big comic for me


Shame we can't order them like 1,2,3,4


Easy vote: CK all the way if i have to choose :)


Anything involving Evie and the prom dress. :)


Yes, the patreon poll system is very basic and doesn't allow for that. After this I might make an external vote to see 1,2,3,4 priorities.


More ck !!!! and maybe a NEW EI comic :P


I just want to play as black man who dominates white girls.


More CK and everything involving Elsa (and Evie);)


I love the big comics, but i would prefer that you make chapters inside the big comic. The short stories is my second option, and, finally, one page and pin-ups, at the same level. In any case, i love your art, you are the best.


EI was the reason I found your work , sometime I do hope we get to see more content featuring EI girls, consider I no longer sub to JP since I would rather to support DL you directly.


I wanted to make chapters or even books like normal comics, but I wasn't allowed. However, the DU game is going to be primarily chapter based and I'm trying to get the comic more chapter oriented.


I'll try to get One Shot #2 to be an EI girl. And the DU game is going to have a lot of EI content once it gets rolling.


Like Zamaelis, I love the big comics...But...Patrons favourite character/s can take many weeks and months to be featured again... I hope the OSS will fill that void..... More diverse scenarios from the main story line of the comic.


I love the mini shorts and the one page ones like daddy wants.

Max A

what about if you like them all?


I think the problem with short stories is you either really like the main character or you don't. CK has a good mix everyone probably likes. I really liked One Shots 1 and 2 (2 especially) but not a big fan of 3 and less of 4 because I don't like the character design all that much. Maybe short stories but featuring more girls.