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I've been working on all the core game systems that interconnect and taking the time to make sure each component is going to provide the required features.  It's not 100% final yet, but I think I'm very close.  I'm talking about the main game loop of story, gear, items, knowledge, menus, world map, etc.  There's one big feature I still need to implement and that's a visual database to make modifying all the items in the game much faster and easier.

I started with CK and Maggie's story which is a reboot of the original CK. This will introduce new people to the CK universe and also provide reasons for CK fans to want to play and discover Maggie's background from a whole new perspective. You play as Carl Jones and one of your goals is to have sex and corrupt this wonderful gift that lands at your front door named Maggie O'Connor. He's an ex-con that is working for YOUR (you, the player) organization.  You discover new things about Maggie as you play and use them to your advantage.  You explore your apartment in order to find gear and improve your organization. As you command your organization from a world map view you will equip gear, recruit new people, buy new businesses, etc.

Once I get the user interface more finalized I'll share some screenshots and new details.




Great update! I took the discussion to Discord - easier there...