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Dax, the female human rogue, started out as a minor character, but after casting Evie in the role I've been expanding her potential story lines.

Dax is a trickster and master of disguise, often taking on roles to aid her teammates and to get what she wants. While she is a lesbian, she has been known to have sex with men if it's worth it. Her quick wit and sharp sense of humor help when it comes to talking her way out of a sticky situation. She is loyal to her friends, but is always looking out for number one and is eager to take (steal) from the ignorant or weak. She is an adept combatant, but relies on her speed, agility, and small size to evade stronger foes.

Her short hair portrays a tomboy look and makes it easier to wear wigs. Things that are currently not finalized are her hair (although this will change a lot as she takes on wigs for her disguises), her sexual orientation (lesbian), and parts of her personality, primarily her innocence and I'm not sure how gritty she will start out. I don't want her to look innocent, unless it's part of disguise. So I'm testing out some expressions to make sure she'll look the part of a rogue. She's a wolf in sheep's clothing. Making her a lesbian helps make her corruption that much stronger and interesting.

Let me know what you guys think as I'm open to some changes for her.






The hair on the eighth image is very cool)


Dax is giving me a Ariea stark vibe me like


Damn best yet. I love what you have done. def see an evie / arya blend. Short hair works perfectly but yes 8 is great bit alos love 10.

Hungry Orange Squirrel

I like the idea of a strong-willed, independent, petite and fit girl who gets dominated by huge cocks.


Yes, Aria Stark oder Selina Kyle (Gotham) are the same kind of character. Interesting profile, great potential of "Dirty" situations ! Dax (Evie) is perfect. No, she's not innoncent, truly not ! But she knows how to pretend it. Great Idea Darklord !


I like the hair in #8 as well. Overall I like the concept and the character choice. She just seems a bit too clean in these images. I have the visual image of the character sneaking around through tight places, over roofs, through sewers, etc--not particularly conducive to neatness/cleanliness.