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Welcome to another episode of CoV Fridays!

Today I present the first WIP of our main protagonist, Queen Liliannah, daughter of King Rensgar.  Images included below plus a RAR of them for easy downloading if your device supports it.

Queen Liliannah is a naive 20-something year old spoiled young woman.  She is not necessarily dumb, but can be clueless about many practical things that a queen would not have to worry about.  She is somewhat vain and has always breezed through life thanks to her lineage and good looks.

Queen Liliannah is buxom but petite standing 5'4".  She's "softer" than most of my characters and I think that lends itself well to her privileged upbringing.  Her character will evolve over time as well, so she may get leaner, change her hair etc.

The hair is temporary, but I like her with long hair, at least to start, as it appears more regal.  I'll be trying out some different eye colors, but the overall skin tone I went with matches Private Vanessa Winters which was the poster girl in the promos for "Fantasia" so I felt obliged to make the queen appear similar in some respects.

Due to the nature of the story I'm writing, which you don't have knowledge of yet, there's some things about her that I can't change since it would break the story.  But let me know what you like or don't like.  I'm not done with her by any means and I'll keep tweaking.  I'm pretty sure I'm going to reduce her shoulders and shoulder width as she looks too athletic right now.  She might strengthen up later when she has to do some combat.




Her face kinda remind me of Kate Upton, not that I dislike it but could do some tweaking imo. Bodywise its softness is perfectly fine for me.


Can't say she does anything for me. And if you are going with that style of body then the narrow waist just looks silly IMO.


I feel that either her shoulders are too wide, or her hips are too small, or some combination of the two.


Yep, and that also throws the waist off too, proportions are not right yet. Plus, the shoulders being so square contrast poorly with her soft body. This will be re-worked in WIP #2 and then we'll see about the proportions and maybe make her a little less soft/thick.


I like his face, much less his body BUT it perfectly matches the character you want to create, buxom and "generous". If I understand, it will evolve. It is true that after a diet, water, bread stale, his body will be as fine and desirable as that of Elsa or Maggie, my favorites. And can still change after a training, Private Vanessa. Good work !


Yes, and also she isn't standing like a lady here so she doesn't portray the feminine form. Next time I'll have some feminine poses of her to help show the curves and form of her body.