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I haven't done (m)any spoiler updates, partly because I don't like spoilers myself and partly because I don't want to ruin any surprises I have coming up in CK.  I think surprises in my comics are one of the best things people like about them.  Also, JP.com isn't releasing more than one DL page per week right now so the story is moving slow.

If you want more spoilers please let me know and I'll try to add more.


So a small spoiler for those interested in some future CK... Elise will be creating a sexy distraction in the hallway outside Coach Wilson's office in the hope of getting him out and letting Maggie scan his computer.  Elise will get in a lot of trouble, earn a detention, flirt with Wilson, get hornier and hornier with her chosen black "friend" causing the distraction.  Meanwhile Maggie will escape from Wilson's clutches with important information that The Order needs... or almost. 

She won't escape and Wilson will be more worked up after seeing Elise and he will take Maggie to the school basement so that they are not interrupted and he will have his way with Maggie.



Yup I do love spoilers. I even tend to read some books from the last pages before starting the first chapter. Can't wait for more CK updates. Too bad it's released so slow lately. Also, I wonder If there's a chance you could make a bio cards for some of your new models, like Sunny, Victoria, Elsa, Evie, Private Winters, etc.? Getting some background info would be nice and interesting.


Yes, the bio cards are on my TODO list. First for the new girls and eventually for every character, even males. This will help define the DLEU.


The last CK update from JP.com took two weeks.....Not good enough.


cool spoilers I just wish JP did not try and milk your work for all its worth lol