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Starting up this patreon page is an exciting moment for me and I hope you decide to come for a spectacular ride as we explore erotic art.  I am eager to be connected to the community consuming my art and be able to directly control when and what art gets released.

If you like interracial, hot daughters, sexy babes, dominating men, interesting characters and plot, then I know you are going to like what is coming!  I am excited to see what patrons will have in mind for what direction the stories will go and learn what they want to see.



Thank you for finally doing this. I've been lurking on JP for years waiting for you to do your own thing. I know you're still doing JP, but it's nice that I get to support you directly now.


Thank you, that's very kind for you to say! I love working with JP and I love interracial, but I want to try many kinds of erotica and story telling. Having the control plus direct contact with a community is ideal and invigorating.


So love your work on JP and on tumblr. Glad our hints you should start a Patreon paid off. Looking forward to more new and exciting stuff. I really enjoy very few graphic artists styles, and of the few I like yours is my absolute favourite.