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Hey everyone, I've decided to make some changes to all my Patreon tiers. Prices have been increased and more content has been added to the $11 tier.

All new tiers are now available for you to subscribe to. On the 15th of August all old tiers will be removed so if you don't change to a new tier your subscription will be deleted. 

Of course if you're not a fan of these changes and wish to unsubscribe feel free to. You don't have to continue supporting me. 

But if you do wish to continue supporting me I really do appreciate it so much, thank you!


  • Videos - Access to all main videos as soon as they're done


  • Videos - Access to all main videos as soon as they're done
  • Shorter Exclusive Videos - Access to more videos. 10-20 seconds in length
  • WIP Images - Sneak peak images of videos I'm working on


  • Videos - Access to all main videos as soon as they're done
  • Shorter Exclusive Videos - Access to more videos. 10-20 seconds in length
  • WIP Images - Sneak peak images of videos I'm working on
  • WIP Animations - Sneak peaks/previews of videos
  • Polls - Vote on next videos, what you want to see etc
  • Bonus Content for Videos - More angles, costumes and extended versions


Drages Animations

So, will you work more for the videos? I mean more content? I love what you do. You are unique. There are very few artists who goes for viol_ance but sadly they drop faster. I hope you stay as much as you can.


Hope that comes with more content


Yes, I'd like to post more content. Of course if things get too much I'll take breaks here and there but I'd like to at least make shorter videos alongside the longer main videos for more content. Thanks for the support!


These are very reasonable prices indeed.


I don’t see the $3 option