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Hey guys,

I had made a post on Tumblr a while ago for some NSFW asks that I would answer here on Patreon. I didn't really get any of them so I haven't posted yet. And I get it, not everyone wants to out their kinks. LOL!

Just letting you all know that it may not be something that comes to fruition.  Also, I am sorry if anyone's got deleted that was sent. I was recently under a bit of a cyber attack where someone thought it would be funny to sexually harass me. Because you know, internet is fun like that. I was deleting them without reading while I was figuring out who they were so I could block them fully. So I am sorry if one of your questions was deleted in the process.




As a suggestion for spice content, there have been IF authors who have done the“NSFW Alphabet” for patrons and it’s a prompt list somewhere on Tumblr where its different spicy character questions, and they used it basically as a template for each RO and answered all the questions, they’re VERY popular with the people 😉

Zinnia Demitasse

Other than having the stomach flu, I'm fine. Honestly, there has just been a big influx of harassment with female IF authors in the last month. Or at least I've noticed the uptick. I was targeted for a bit. At 35, however, I just more roll my eyes at this shit. It's not okay. They for some reason think they're being edgy. And in the end, karma is a bitch.